When we receive an essay to write, the first thought is ‘right, I’ll get it started right away and have it finished nice and early,’ unfortunately more often than not, this transpires into ‘I’ll leave until the latest possible minute.’ There is no worse feeling than the impending doom of a deadline hanging over your head, primarily you are furious with yourself for not making sufficient time to get the piece done, then comes a frenzied attempt to mash something together that can be passed as legible. This however, is not the best approach to take, it will leave you stressed, more annoyed and will end up with you likely getting a poor grade as a result of you disorganisation. If you find yourself with a deadline that you aren’t prepared for then here are some tips for whipping up an essay with speed.
You may feel like the time for planning has long gone and that you must push straight on with your essay, this is wrong and will ultimately be more time-consuming in the long run. Making time to plan at the early stage will mean that once you get down to the nitty gritty, you will be able to complete your essay with far more ease. You need to plan your time, the essay itself and even plan what food and drinks you will need for the project, purchasing bottles of water or energy boosting food now will mean that you’ll be fully prepared for the task ahead.
As part of the aforementioned planning, it is imperative that you have a solid structure on which to build your essay. As always, using the intro, main body and conclusion formula is the best but it is also important that you consider what each part will contain. The introduction should comprise of a presentation of the theme that you will discuss, a little background and some questions that you will answer in the piece. The main body of the essay is where you will discuss these questions, arguments for and against and plenty of evidence to support your claims. Finally, the conclusion should nicely round off the essay, with your opinions, answers to the questions that you asked in the introduction and some questions for further thought provocation or discussion.
If you have an emergency and need an essay within short notice then you could ask your university or college for an extension to help you out. If this doesn’t work then you can search online for similar essays that have been written by others and take the points that they have made, if you do this then you must make sure that you use different phrasing and words to avoid being caught out by ant-plagiarism software. Finally, if you simply don’t have the time, then you could consider looking online for websites that offer writing a paper for cheap. Find your professional essay writer on DoMyPapers.com and save yourself time and stress.