Posts Tagged“love”

Eight secrets girls keep from men

Women are the most complicated creatures of the globe – but not in a stereotypical way, as you may assume. The psychology of a girl consists if something more than just emotions and desires. Therefore, it’s sometimes too hard for men to understand women’s minds in their entirety. That’s why there are some secrets girls keep from men. Some of them are dirty and monstrous (we will try to avoid those), others are so obvious so you would be surprised how you overlooked it. Our gorgeous friends, Single Russian Ladies, were kind enough to provide us with this intriguing information. 1.…

The Golden Age of Dating?

When we look at what is happening to the world of dating, there is no doubt that it has evolved a lot; especially over the past few years since the rise of the internet. Now that we are able to communicate instantly to people across the globe using messages or video conferencing and are able to do it essentially for free, our outlook on who to go out with has certainly evolved to a point where we simply have more choice. But is it really a good thing, or are we losing the charms and magic of traditional dating? Traditional…

Dating after 50: what one can expect

Photo by CDC/ Dawn Arlotta via Most of us expect to have found a life partner before we reach the end of our thirties (if not earlier), but of course that is not the case for everyone. There are indeed lots of us in our later years who are still single, looking for the love of our lives or even just a companion. Some of us never really found the right partner whilst others have has life throwing hardships at us such loss or divorce. We all deserve a chance at happiness, but getting back into dating after 50…

8 Things to Try in 2016

As we head into the New Year, it’s time to start making those resolutions. Instead of only coming up with things you can’t do as the year commences (i.e. a new diet), consider making a list of things you’re dying to try. A Vape Pen   If you’re a smoker, then you know your habit is slowly killing you—there’s no way around this fact. Luckily, there are things you can do to change your life for the better in 2016. If you’ve found it nearly impossible to quit, considering switching to vaping. These electronic cigarette alternatives are up to 95…

Getting Married? Here Are Some Tips to Relieve Stress

Weddings are supposed to be magical and perfect. They are supposed to encapsulate everything that is great about the people who are getting married — who they are as individuals as well as who they are as a couple and the strength of the love they have for each other. That want to ditch the wedding? What if you really do want to create a perfect day that is filled with perfect memories? Can you do this without giving yourself, your partner, and everyone you know ulcers? Yes. And here are some tips to relieve stress that will help you…