It’s starting to get chilly out there, and if you follow the simple tips by Betty Balls, the iconic character and fashionista of top online bingo site, LuckypantsBingo, you will find that it is actually possible to look chic, cosy and fashionable in any weather condition. Winter is that particular season where many people tend to wear every single piece of clothing they own to stay warm. But does it really help to make you stay stylish?
If you have been playing bingo on Lucky Pants Bingo, you are perhaps aware that it is the place where you can enjoy no deposit bonus just by signing and play with a free fiver plus 20 free spins on the entertaining Spinata Grande Slot. That’s not all, as Betty can also be regularly found on the various bingo rooms, where she flaunts her marvellous frilly dresses during any season of the year to the delight of everyone.
Many may be wondering how Betty can stay stylish throughout the year, and especially in Winter. Now this unique bingo ball character has revealed some of her tips to stay fashionable even when the weather is freezing cold.
Firstly, during the month of November and December, you can really feel the Christmassy atmosphere, and the colour red is what you need to look for. Betty Balls has already got her red Santa dress ready to sweep Luke Pants off his feet this year. Red is certainly the new black this season and you should make the most of this beautiful and bright colour to enlighten the dull grey weather.
Your pair of Charcoal or Black trousers could well be the hottest fashion item of the moment. If you are a trouser girl, it won’t be an issue for you to slip into those beautiful black trousers and flaunt them on the high street and everywhere else. On the other hand, anorak are to be avoided, as you are no longer an adolescent. What you need is a real proper coat to go with your outfit. Betty does not like going for the most expensive coats, but she loves the one that makes her look fabulous and like a grown up.
The must have wardrobe for this winter according to Betty Ball include some essentials that would not only keep you warm but will also help you remain stylish. Turtleneck tops is one of the essentials that will keep our neck warm and snug all season long. This style will definitely look good with just a jean or with a sleeveless dress and a sweater. You can also try a knitted jumper dress, where you can show the world your beautiful little leg while staying cosy at the same time. This is something where you can’t really go wrong if you choose a form that fits your body and style. And finally you could layer multiple clothing items on top of your skinny jeans for the perfect and to stay warm. These can be worn with a leather jacket and also flat heel boots.