Posts Tagged“Tech”

Top 5 tips on How to Write the Most Engaging Blogs

With all the benefits that come with blogging, how do you make your blog stand out from the crowd? How do you write engaging blogs that get potential clients to subscribe to your services? Keeping in mind that all sorts of blogs are out there, it is difficult (but not impossible) to come up with a blog that sells something that is unique only to you. This means that the competition for clients is tough, and you have to use all levels of creativity to run a successful blog.

Top Tech Tips For Small Business Owners 

In the world we live in, it’s no secret that both small and large businesses alike have to invest in technology in order to stay ahead in the marketplace and attract new customers. That being said, it can still be difficult to know which specific tech areas you need to invest in as a small business owner. If you’ve  recognized the need to invest in technology for your small business, give yourself a pat on the back. You’re already on the right track. To help you understand where exactly you need to focus your efforts and money on in regards…

You’ve Launched Your Application: How Does It Perform?

Ensuring An Upward Trajectory You can’t have a program that is continuously viable without continuously monitoring it, and there are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, programs don’t exist in a vacuum, even if there are a limited quotient of users defining their operation. As an application is used, it will encounter diverse situations. For example, an application designed to, say, run an HVAC system in a building underground will continuously encounter an electrical load that is subject to laws of entropy. What this means is that over time, as systems run continuously, little exigencies will eventually hamper operations.…

How Self-Driving Cars Will Change our Economy

By Imagine getting to work every day by a car, but instead of sitting in the driver’s seat, you’re in the backseat enjoying a good book. While that might sound like a far-off dream, self-driving cars are actually a lot closer than one might suspect. Uber is already testing semi-autonomous car in Pittsburgh, with Arizona soon becoming their second testing ground. Without implying that everyone will be in fully self-driving cars soon – because that is certainly not the case – many industries will be heavily impacted as autonomous technology becomes the norm. These are the far-reach implications that…

Global Technical Logistics Made Easier With An Importer of Record

When information is stored on a cloud, it can be accessed by anyone with the correct passwords or security codes. Particularly if the stored information is sensitive, or being used for military applications, it is vital to take all the necessary precautions that safeguard against a threat or breech. This is why dual-use and controlled-use goods (such as IT equipment) undergo heavy inspection when they arrive at the border; they must be trusted to transmit a secure signal. For companies that resell this technology, shipping their equipment overseas can become an involved process. There are numerous documents that must be…

Smartphones Vs. Mobile Computers: The Warehouse Management Debate

In the past ten years, smartphones have become ubiquitous, finding their way into just about everyone’s pocket; throw in work phones and people quickly start juggling multiple devices at once. Given the quick spread of smartphones and their usefulness for on-the-floor communication, many in warehouse management have been pushing for the industry to rely on them more and more for barcode scanning and inventory. However, given the tough environment of the warehouse, the move to smartphones isn’t in the best interest of a company’s bottom line. The equipment you use should be tailored to the environment on your warehouse floor…

Will the Nintendo Switch bring an end to physical gaming?

“Nintendo Switch + Zelda” (CC BY 2.0) by LWYang The Nintendo Switch had quite a successful launch at the start of March, but discussion and debate about the system continues as more information becomes available regarding it. One interesting report in recent weeks suggested that games for the console will always be priced more expensively than those for rival systems like the Xbox or PlayStation. Production cost concerns According to Eurogamer, the cost of manufacturing the physical cartridges for the Switch is significantly higher than producing the same games in other formats, with the costs creeping even higher when a higher amount of…