Posts Tagged“Tech”

Must-do Tips if You Lose Your Phone While Traveling

If you are looking for a great adrenaline rush during your next vacation — the type that makes your stomach feel like it’s hitting the floor — you can either ride the tallest and scariest roller coaster you can find, face your fears with a trip into a deep dark cave filled with bats or accidentally lose your smartphone. That horrid feeling of “Oh NO, where is it?” can make your stomach churn and your head fill with worry. After all, that little hand-held computer holds tons of personal info, and the last thing you need is to have your…

How Educational Companies Can Use Online Videos More Effectively

If you provide training courses or educate people in any way, it’s essential to embrace the latest online video technologies. These technologies make it easier to offer more courses, improve the quality of your courses, and give your educational organisation far more exposure. Below are some of the ways an educational company can use online video technologies to their full potential.  Organisation and Course Promotion When used properly, video is one of the most powerful sales and marketing tools you can use to promote an educational company and its courses. It allows you to easily showcase your college, university or…

5 ways to smarten up your home

Remember the cartoon “The Jetsons” and how everything in the house was just a button push away? Well, today’s smart homes look more and more like a futurist cartoon. Cook, clean, and listen to music at the touch of a button or the sound of your voice. Smart Security Keep your home safe and secure with smart camera security systems. The wireless and weatherproof units offer sirens, USB connectivity, motion activated notifications, and two-way audio. Pair the security system with smart locks, and you can allow your guests entrance to your home. Smart locks also recognize your smartphone and know when…

How to Manage Disruptive Innovation

The term “financial technology” is used when new pieces of technology affect the way in which business transactions is conducted. The invention of money, for instance, was the first financial technology. The way money is managed changes all the time, and this is particularly true thanks to the widespread availability of the internet. Today, financial technology even includes mobile apps, which just goes to show how far it has come. Consumers have high expectations in terms of how they manage their money and conduct transactions. Unfortunately, many companies are finding it difficult to keep up with the available developments or…

Want To Work In A Mobile Office? Here are 4 Tech Tips That Will Help You

Advances in technology have allowed more and more people to work out of the office, and from just about anywhere in the world. Whether you’re planning to rent an RV through Outdoorsy, and work from there, or erect a tent in the desert, and use that as your office, you will need to make sure you have access to some of the latest apps and programs that make it possible to work from anywhere. But what apps and programs can help you? Take a look below, and read the tech tips that could change the way you work: Use An…

Top Dinosaur Industries Due for a Tech Boom

Although technology has advanced many different industries in recent years, some always seem to be lagging behind the curve. This is largely because there’s been an old-school way of doing things in these industries, and many of the leaders at the top are hesitant about implementing technology. Read on to learn more about how these industries work and how technology may help to revolutionize them in the coming years. Health Care Although healthcare has marginally moved forward with the implementation of electronic health records, there is still plenty of opportunities advances in insurance to do things even better. For example, applications…

VPNs for Beginners – What You Need to Know

You may have heard of the term VPN but never really understood what it is all about. The acronym VPN actually stands for “Virtual Private Server.” Even though this sounds like some very technical jargon it is actually fairly simple. Basically, a VPN is an encrypted connection between two computers. The purpose of using a VPN is to browse websites securely and anonymously. Here, we’ll review some basic features of the best VPNs so that newcomers can become familiar with the technology. What is the Point of Using a VPN? There are several beneficial uses of a VPN. First, a…

Cloudy Days Don’t Mean You Can’t Take Beautiful Pictures

  If you are interested in nature photography, you will know how important natural light is. If you have read anything about this photographic style, you will have come across suggestions that you must take pictures when the light is soft and low, which is early morning or late afternoon, and on a sunny day. You may have seen this so often, in fact, that you believe your opportunity to take pictures is ruined the minute there is a cloud in the sky. However, photographers like Allen R Hartman want people to know that there are still plenty of opportunities,…

Looking Inward: 6 Ways to Better Understand Your Business’ Strengths and Weaknesses

(Image source: There’s one question that you always need to ask yourself when it comes to your business, and that question is: am I being too soft? When assessing your business, you may find yourself looking through the lens of rose coloured glasses. You might be quick to outline the strengths of your enterprise, but how about its weaknesses? You may not be as honest as you need to be. Perhaps your work is too close your heart, and you cannot separate yourself enough from it to allow a clear picture? However, not being able to assess your business…

Traveling in 2017? Make Sure Your Smartphone Packs These Features

Chances are pretty good that you’re going to use your smartphone quite a bit while you’re on vacation. That means keeping up with your emails, watching videos, taking pictures, and playing games while you’re in transit. You’ll put your phone through a lot of stress in a short amount of time. Do you think your phone is up to the challenge? It might not be, especially if it’s an older model. Smartphones slow down due to various factors and you probably hadn’t noticed how bad it got until you tried to open up your camera app and had to wait.…