Top Tips For New Homeowners

If you are planning on moving into a new home soon then this will no doubt be an exciting time for you, searching for furniture for your home, planning color schemes and packing up your things. If you’ve spent any time at all searching through home style magazines then you will have no doubt been presented with images of perfect homes, warm, cosy, welcoming and full of life, unfortunately this expectation is not always the case.


Furniture store IKEA have recently done a survey into expectations versus reality when it comes to home living and it has thrown up some pretty interesting results. In light of the results and to help you enjoy a better life in your new home, here are some top tips to help you out.

Food, Family and Friends

You will no doubt be very excited to show off your new place to your family and friends but once the first few months of owning a home, these gatherings will start to happen far less often. The survey revealed that whilst 73% of people said that they cook to make themselves feel at home, 42% of them said that finding the time to do so regularly was difficult. The survey also found that 34% of those living alone wanted to eat with people more often. The best course of action here is to plan well for gatherings, everyone has busy lives with work and family responsibilities, you have to give people notice before hoping to host a gathering where everyone can enjoy some food together.


Everyone would like a warm and welcoming home and one of the keys to this is cleanliness, finding the time to clean through the week can be a tough and many dedicate their days off to getting the house tidy. Good practice here is to spend a small amount of time each day cleaning, you may not want to but what you’ll find is that first, you’ll have more time on your day off to enjoy it, and secondly you will start thinking more about the mess you create and seek to avoid it.

Space Usage

Using the space in your home to create a more welcoming environment isn’t always easy and rarely will you be able to recreate what you see in the home magazines. The trick is to think about how the space in your home will be used and not to just create something that other people think will look good. Whilst you do want a home that looks great, it should also be functional. Interestingly, the survey revealed that 23% of those asked, would prefer reliable wi-fi than space for socializing, perhaps you fall into this bracket but once you have some people around for some food or drinks, you may change your mind. Remember to use all space available to you and get creative with your furnishings.

If you are moving into a new home soon then check it this video to help you manage your expectations.