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Is Life Insurance a Priority in Your Life?

life insurance

When it comes to protecting you and your loved ones, are you doing it properly? For many individuals, one of the best forms of financial protection is having a sound life insurance policy. That said many individuals do not always fully grasp just how important such a policy is in their lives. When that happens, they could be setting themselves and/or their loved ones up for financial nightmares down the road. In the event you are not up to speed on how life insurance is important in your life, are you ready to learn as a New Year gets set…

5 Important Things to Consider When Renting a Wedding Limousine

  There are many things to consider when renting a limousine for your wedding, some more important than others. It’s easy to get carried away with the excitement of the big day approaching and you want to make sure everything has been meticulously planned in advance so your special day goes without hitch. There would be nothing worse than your vehicle not turning up on time or having to leave a bridesmaid or your best man behind! Know exactly what you want for your big day to make decisions easier Set a realistic budget so you don’t find yourself getting…

Backpacking- Not Just for Nomads


Certainly not everyone is cut out for, or even has the desire to travel as a backpacker. Some seeking the many comforts of home while travelling overseas, unable to give up those comforts that are a part of their daily lives. Then we have the authentic and nomadic backpacker; the less easily defined person, who seeks out the difficult rather than avoids it, and not only relishes the challenges of the road but thrives on them. Tourism Australia defines a backpacker as “a person that spends at least one night in either backpackers or hostel accommodation”, but not all backpackers…

Boston Lawyer Advocates for the Injured

A local and well-respected personal injury lawyer, Mr. Jeffrey Glassman has been practicing law for over 24 years in Boston, Massachusetts. Since passing the bar in 1991 and opening his law practice on Valentines Day 1995, Jeffery Glassman has been advocating tirelessly for his clients who suffer physical, emotional and financial stress related to personal injury lawsuits. While his practice has continued to grow over the years, Mr. Glassman continues to oversee the majority of the cases that pass through his Boston, Massachusetts office. Dedicated Personal Injury Lawyer Insurance companies work to pay out the least amount of benefits possible.…

Give into G.A.S. (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome)

Everyone once in a while you’ll be struck by a sudden condition. It starts with sweat at your hairline and it continues on to coffee-fuelled late night research sessions. Soon enough, your laptop’s history is filled with guitar forums and online music store review pages, and you’ve started checking the balance of your various savings account. If this sounds familiar, you know it’s another attack of G.A.S. (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome). And if this isn’t your first rodeo, then you know the only way you can cure it (momentarily) is by giving in and purchasing another guitar. The Grass is Greener…

A Roundup of the Best Outdoor Torches on the Market

For most people, a torch is the kind of necessity that doesn’t warrant much in depth consideration. That is, until they really need it and they find that the one they have doesn’t quite live up to expectations. This is why it is worth taking the time to think about your needs. Do you go camping a lot? Are you likely to use a torch for leisure purposes (like camping and walking) or is it strictly an at home tool? Is a basic device enough or is there a need for additional features and multiple settings? Whatever your needs, there…

5 Crazy Superstitions From Around the World   

Credit: Wikimedia Whether you have travelled the world or remain content life in your homeland, you are sure to have knowledge of the strange and unusual superstitions that have survived from history. After all, a number of these originated in the UK or Central Europe, with others having roots in Ancient Rome or Eastern Culture. 5 Crazy Superstitions from across the globe With this in mind, here is our pick of the five most unusual superstitions from across the globe: – The Number 17 is considered as unlucky in Italy According to roulette in numbers the number 17 is considered…

Staying Safe When You Travel Abroad

When you travel overseas, you are entering a world that is very different from the one you know at home. This is part of its charm – there are so many new things to experience, so many sights to see, and so many new people to meet. However, that same sweet strangeness also has a darker side – traveling overseas can be dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. Think about it – there are places you won’t go at home because they are dangerous, and exactly the same thing applies overseas. However, the problem is that…

Money Saving Tips when Going on a Vacation

You don’t have to spend a fortune in order to have a fun, rejuvenating, and memorable holiday. Saving money doesn’t have to mean making sacrifices or settling for something below your expectations. Here are a few ideas for how you can have a great vacation and still save a bit of money: Do Some Research The main reason people end up spending too much when they lack information – this can mean that they end up spending far more money on things than they need to. The best way to deal with this knowledge-deficit is to do some research. You…