Browsing CategoryHome and Garden

What is UV Light and Do You Need It?

While you’ve probably heard the term ultraviolet (UV) light used in the context of sunlight, do you know what it actually is? By definition, it’s a form of electromagnetic radiation that can’t be seen by the naked eye. In small doses, it gives you a killer tan that will make all of your friends envious. However, in larger doses, it’s responsible for a number of issues, including sunburn or skin cancer. Because of its potency, people have begun to harness UV light for a number of different applications. What Are the Effects of UV Light? Because UV light is so…

4 Reasons To Add Plants To Your Decor

One way to help improve indoor air quality is by setting up a few plants. Plants have the natural ability to absorb allergens and other harmful toxins in the air, releasing clean oxygen in the process. Research has proven the value of plants time after time. In particular, look into getting spider plants, chrysanthemums, or Chinese evergreens for the most noticeable results.

Are You Maintaining Your Appliances Right

Homeowners spend a great deal of their disposable income on housing appliances. The problem is that many of these homeowners are negligent in their maintenance of these expensive devices. You need to protect your investment and thereby extend the lifespan of your appliances. Here’s a guide on maintaining your appliances the right way. Clean Your Oven   Some jobs listed here will require professional service. Others are DIY, and cleaning your oven definitely falls into this category. You should clean your oven at least twice a year. Otherwise, it won’t operate at peak condition, increasing the odds that it’ll tear…

Creative Ways to Use Bog Mats

Manufactured from sustainably harvested tropical hardwood or oak timber, bog mats are traditionally considered to be one of the most reliable solutions to creating temporary access through muddy or stony roads. Construction companies often encounter difficulties with transporting heavy machineries to project sites through such conditions. Bog mats, attributed with the capacity to bear up to 250 tons of workload, simplify the challenges of moving machineries to remote locations. These mats are most popularly used as temporary hard platforms for pipeline construction, oilfield rigs, jetty construction, piling and temporary access routes in emergency situations. The scope of using bog mats…

How Chest Freezers Can Save You Time And Money

Chest freezers are amazing pieces of equipment that you could have in your garage, porch, shed or anywhere that is sheltered and has a supply of electricity. They have many benefits, including saving you time and money. You might not think that running something large on electricity could possibly go hand in hand with a frugal life, but it certainly does. Below we’ll take you through all the questions you might have about chest freezers, along with all the benefits, so you can start planning to enjoy the rewards of such a simple piece of equipment. Different Types Of Freezers…

Who Says You Can’t Have Fun at Home?

Experiencing fun in life when not working or retired does not always mean having to leave your home. For many, they can find entertaining things to do inside and outside their homes minus effort. Others, meantime, drive themselves nuts in attempts to keep themselves occupied. This can be even more of a challenge for those stuck with wintertime weather in parts of the country. If you fall in the latter group, are you thinking about the different ways to entertain yourself? In the event you are not, you might want to start trying so moving forward. Don’t Let Being at…

5 tips for upcycling second-hand furniture

It is natural for every house owner to want to change the look of their home every couple of years. Whether your home consists of monochromic kitchen thematic or pastel playrooms for your children, it is common for old furniture to need a brand-new look. Instead of wasting your money on additional items, try upcycling different items to produce a fresh look to enhance your home. Painting Colours and Bases Know your colour palette before you even think of setting it upon the wood or factory furniture. It is wise to pick two colours to begin with, starting with a…