Browsing CategoryFinance

Planning for the Future 101: The Foundations You Need for a Secure Retirement

Most of us probably haven’t given a second thought to retirement, as it’s usually too far into the future to consider. That said, retirement is an enjoyable time, because you have the opportunity to take up new activities and spend time on your hobbies and interests without work being in the way. However, it’s not as straightforward as we’d like it to be – as a recent article by The Guardian points out, as many as half of Americans aged 55 and over have no retirement savings at all. With people living longer, it’s never been more important to make…

Wonga SA leads the way in responding positively to the latest industry wake-up call

Wonga SA, South Africa’s leading provider of payday loans online, has responded to the recent “wake-up call” dished out the payday industry in a wholly positive fashion, starting earlier this year in April with the appointment of new CEO, Brett Van Aswegen. International Managing Director of the Wonga group, Mark Ruddock was pleased to announce the appointment saying, “After an extensive search, we’re pleased to secure someone of Van Aswegen’s strong calibre to lead our South African arm of the business. With more than 20 years’ experience in the African retail credit and financial services industries, Mr Van Aswegen is…

6 Benefits of Living on a Low Income

You may look at the title of this article and think… Really? How is not having money a good thing or beneficial? The idea that having a lot of money will solve all of your problems is faulty, at best. If you do not believe us, check out celebrity bankruptcies or spoilt kids who lose their families fortune in one generation. Having a lot of money and not knowing how to manage it is much worse than having a tight budget and having complete control your personal finances. Below are some benefits outlined by a personal finance site for low…

Financial Tips for New Graduates

Graduates of both high school and college are facing a new chapter in their lives. Both chapters are exciting and full of new opportunities – However, they can also be pretty darn scary. Finances start making a much bigger impact on your day-to-day life, especially when you are trying to manage them on your own for the first time. Whether you are heading off to start a new career or you are prepping for your first years away from home at college, here are a few financial tips provided by Simple Living Australia to keep you on track: Just say…

Get Help to Pay your Bills

There are many programs to help low income earners and families to get help for their basic necessities. If you cannot afford your basic living essentials, getting help is easier than you think. Beyond the ease of getting financial assistance from local charities, municipal, state and federal governments, there is assistance for almost any need. Find out how you can start receiving aid to help you achieve a better standard of living. Below is a list provided by Low Income Financial help on how get financial help to free up cash flow to the family budget along with ways to…

Tips to Prevent You from Going Broke

The past few years have been difficult for many people financially. However, there are also many people who have made it through without much of a negative impact financially. How were these people able to do it? There are many things a person can do to prevent themselves from being sucked down a hole of financial ruin. The proactive steps that you take when things are going good will often determine how you do when things go bad. You should always think about the future, keeping in mind the worst case scenario. Your goal should then be to protect yourself…

Saving Money From an Early Age: Building Your Own Empire

Saving money is right up there on people’s lists of difficulties, alongside the likes of quitting smoking, turning down a chocolate bar and forcing themselves to get to the gym to make the most of their expensive memberships. However it’s actually saving money which causes people to lose sleep and even get ill even though it’s something that you can learn to do from an early age. When you start to receive your own pocket money from your parents you don’t think “great, that’s going in the bank account.” You initially think about what you’re going to buy, a thought…

How to Live the High Life on a Budget

We all want to live the life of our dreams, but what most of us don’t realize is that footing the bill for such a lifestyle doesn’t have to be a nightmare. By working a little harder to cut corners and make your own luck, you can afford upmarket tastes at cheapskate prices. Here are some great ideas for upgrading your life without downgrading your purse-strings. AT HOME Get high class décor at low prices You don’t have to go to Ikea and get flummoxed by flat-pack assembly to buy affordable furniture. Look out for listings of local auctions or…

What does a mortgage broker do?

These days, everyone is looking for a way to cut corners in order to save their precious cash. As laudable as this focus on frugality can be at times, sometimes employing the services of an expert can be in your long term best interests. In the high-risk home loans industry, an experienced mortgage broker is a person you definitely want on your side. What exactly does a mortgage broker do? Below, we’ll outline why bringing one on board is one of the best things you can do in your quest to secure a place you can truly call home. They…

What is a non bank mortgage?

For the longest time, mortgages had been associated with the banks, and the mortgage brokers that controlled access to them. When the doors were swung open to private operators in recent years though, a new option known as a non bank mortgage became available. What are they, and what advantages do they hold over a mortgage provided by the Big 4? This article will clear the air regarding this confusing subject… They frequently offer lower interest rates than the banks Prior to mortgage reform in Australia, only the Big 4 banks lend money to aspiring home and property owners. This…