3 Tips for Better Scuba Diving in Winter

If you’ve never been scuba diving in winter then we’d highly recommend you try. The underwater eco system often flourishes during the cooler months, so that in itself is a good reason to brace and take the plunge. Yes, cold water is a little intimidating at first, but once you know these little tips on how to stay warmer during a dive then you’ll be kicking yourself for never trying before.


Dry Suit Instead of a Wet Suit

Although a little more complicated to use than a wet suit, a dry suit will avoid cold water finding its way down your neck when you first enter the water. This will help ease you into your dive by helping you to overcome your body’s initial fight or flight response. It will also help you stay warmer during your whole dive meaning you’ll use up less energy and oxygen, allowing you to remain focused while scuba diving and soaking up the amazing views instead.

Wet Suit Is Still OK if Used Properly

Using a wet suit is still appropriate depending on the water’s temperature and the thickness of the suit itself. However, you would still need to prime your suit before entering just in case of any unexpected reactions you may have. Priming usually involves bringing warm to hot water in an isolated container that you can pour down the front of your wet suit before jumping in. This will help in easing you into the dive instead of sending your body and mind into shock.  Once out of the water, you can use that water again to thaw out your equipment and also yourself. Just be careful with your hands as sudden changes like this are never good. Instead warm them up gradually by using your arm pits or behind your knees.

Eat up!

Eating a big, fatty, carbo loaded breakfast is the best winter scuba diving preparation you can have. It will provide you with the much needed fuel your body can burn up trying to keep you warm. In addition, make sure you prepare a hot cup of whatever before and after your scuba diving session as this will help warm up your core temperature, allowing it to remain stable. Plus, a nice warm cup of your favourite drink after a session is the greatest!


As daunting as it may sound, scuba diving in winter can be super enjoyable provided some precautionary measures are taken. It’s also a great time of year to experience certain creatures and eco systems that flourish under these conditions.