The Fastest Growing Jobs in South Carolina

Home health aides are one of the Fastest Growing Jobs in South Carolina

With a growing, stable economy comes stable employment and opportunity for growth. As more people than ever pursue post-secondary education, the demand for these jobs continues to rise in proportion. Different parts of the country have different needs in terms of job sectors, but some industries are exploding in terms of new hires due to the natural growth across those sectors as a whole. In South Carolina, pursuing some careers is more likely to land you a better-paying job – and faster – than pursuing others. Which job sectors are growing the fastest in South Carolina right now? Continue reading to find out which jobs you might want to consider.

    1. Home Health Aides

The healthcare sector is one of the fastest growing industries – and when you consider that it is the largest industry overall, this means the largest number of new jobs are going to be in healthcare. Home health aides provide older individuals and those with disabilities assistance in the home. Rather than sending loved ones to nursing homes or lengthy hospital stays, home health aides can improve the quality of life by providing necessary assistance in the home. As more and more people and healthcare institutions alike are seeking to reduce senior care costs, the demand for home health aides has skyrocketed. Many home health aides pursue on-campus or online MHA degrees or degrees in nursing.

    1. Physical Therapists

The world of physical therapy – another type of healthcare service – is growing for reasons similar to that of home health aides. Preventative care is less costly than repeated injury, so healthcare service providers and individuals alike are opting for better options in the aftermath of surgery or accidents. Physical therapists and their assistants help individuals in recovering from physical wounds and a variety of other conditions that limit mobility and function. Physical therapists make good money – anywhere from $60,000 – $80,000 per year – and are in high demand in South Carolina. The field is expected to grow by more than twenty percent annually for the foreseeable future.

    1. Web Developers

With more people than ever before now using the internet, it shouldn’t be shocking to find a web-based career on this list. Web developers are those responsible for building websites and ensuring that all of the components – from forums and apps to links and menus – work in conjunction with one another. With a particular focus on designing and building websites, individuals can largely work from anywhere, making it an ideal career choice for those who don’t like the 9-to-5. When coupled with an online education and a degree from an online institution, web developers may theoretically never have to leave the house ever again!

    1. Physician Assistants

Every doctor needs a little bit of help. With the healthcare sector growing so rapidly, it can only be expected that a large number of assistants would be needed. Physician assistants provide a variety of services in doctors’ offices and hospitals, with an estimated salary of around $75,000 per year. These workers may have earned either a BHA or MHA degree online or at a traditional college or university. Those seeking a high-pay job with great benefits and safe working conditions will find appeal in the world of physician assistants.

With a stable economy in South Carolina right now, most job sectors are experiencing growth. However, some jobs and industries are enjoying more prosperity than others. These four careers pay well, provide stable employment, and allow individuals plenty of career advancement opportunities in the years ahead.