Posts Tagged“USA”

10 Scenic Places To Fly On Your Own!

When Orville Wright piloted the “Flyer,” the name of their wood-and-fabric, four-cylinder engine soared for 120 feet, he changed the world forever. On December 17, 1903, only a little over a hundred years ago, Wilbur and Orville Wright ushered in the age of aviation. Their four short flights at Kitty Hawk fulfilled one of humankind’s greatest fantasies—to fly through the air like the birds. Today, in the early half of the 21st century, even people with relatively modest means can afford their own aircraft and enjoy short flights. Should You Buy Your Own Airplane? Buying your first airplane is actually…

There’s No Where Like New York, New York!

New York City is everything its supporters and critics claim: an adrenaline-charged, history-laden place that never sleeps, rarely apologizes, and works harder and longer hours than anywhere else. It’s also a town of icons, both past and present – you’ll find it hard to move about the city without encountering a view of something world-famous, from the lovely green sward of Central Park to the mammoth Brooklyn Bridge to the cathedral-like Grand Central Terminal. The city’s boundless energy and spirit will suck you in and make you want to come back again and again. New York buzzes round-the-clock: not only…