Posts Tagged“legal”

How to Spot The Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

There are some crimes which, whilst they may not be considered overly severe in the eyes of the law, leave us wincing at the fact that anybody could do such a thing. One such crime which falls squarely into this category, is that of nursing home neglect. Whilst rare, this form of neglect can have a profoundly negative impact on the patient and their families, and if you have loved ones in a nursing home, it is important that you know what you are looking for. A friend of mine was forced to use nursing home abuse lawyers last year…

What You Should Know About Filing a Personal Injury Claim

A debilitating injury can come out of nowhere … perhaps in a car crash, or because of negligence on the part of a homeowner. If you were injured because of something that wasn’t your fault, you might well be entitled to various forms of compensation. A personal injury claim can lead to a lawsuit, but it can take several weeks or months to settle the matter. The entire process may go more quickly and smoothly if you hire an attorney and comprehend the following seven key aspects of pursuing such a claim. 1. You need an attorney in your state…

What Skills Do You Need To Be A Great Lawyer

As far as careers go, being a lawyer is one which can offer you respect, authority, a good wage and most importantly, a stable and long career. Not everyone has what it takes to become a lawyer however and there are many years of studying and working extremely hard to gain the position. It is important to remember that a lawyer is very different from the justice seekers that you see on the television, the job is in fact not quite as exciting as it looks. Be this as it may, being a lawyer is a fantastic career choice and…

Road Trip Troubles: Getting a DUI in Eugene, Oregon

DUI punishments in Oregon are some of the toughest in the country. And, while you may be a native to Oregon, and fully aware of this, there is always the chance you have a mishap and get pulled over on suspicion of driving while under the influence. Today we are going to look at just what can happen to you if you are travelling through one of the most popular places in Oregon on a road trip and get pulled over for a DUI.  In particular, we are going to discuss what you are up against should you get pulled…

Ridesharing Is Great Until You Get in an Accident

Uber has proven to be incredibly convenient and often more affordable than a taxi. The popularity of companies Uber and Lyft has grown steadily over the last few years, and more people are downloading the apps than ever before. But too many have treated this opportunity too casually. First, prospective riders have been all too willing to climb into a car with a total stranger and let him drive them around an unfamiliar city, despite the warnings issued by law enforcement agencies. Then there have been insurance issues that created headaches for both drivers and riders. Insurance Gaps in Ridesharing…

Has a Bad Decision Left You Needing a Criminal Defense Attorney?

If your life is going the way you’d like it to go, it means you are steering clear of any run-ins with the law. That said there are countless individuals out there who seem to have a knack for getting in trouble. Others, meantime, may make that single mistake that lands them on the wrong side of the law. No matter how you ended up on the wrong side of the law, what do you plan on doing to fix things? With that question in mind, go online and see which criminal defense attorneys are where you live. In doing…

Why Do Attorneys Practice Law?

There is something impressive about being a lawyer. It has an air of power to it, and everybody knows lawyers make a great deal of money. Even if you have never read a John Grisham novel, you know that lawyers are almost a breed apart. Old-fashioned parents want their sons to become lawyers and their daughters to marry one. But why do people choose to study law? It is a dry subject that takes many years to complete, and once you are ready to sit and pass the Bar (if you pass it), you will have to work very hard…

What You Should Know in the Event of a Drunk-Driving Accident 

Statistics with regard to drunk-driving accidents are frightening. It’s one of the largest causes of injuries and fatalities on the road. If you get hit by a drunk driver, you have certain rights you need to make sure you exercise. Use this guide about drunk driving and your personal rights to prepare you in case such a situation occurs. Drunk Driving Statistics  Unfortunately, drunk driving is common. It’s unrealistic to assume you’ll never be the victim of a drunk-driving accident. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one person dies every 51 minutes as the result of a drunk-driving accident.…

Beating a felony charge: follow these steps

All it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time or a case of mistaken identity to have felony charges laid against you. This is a very scary situation to find yourself in, as prisons in America are some of the most frightening environments on Earth. If you know you are innocent, immediate action needs to be taken to save yourself and your reputation from being irreparably damaged. Below, we’ll guide you through the steps you’ll need to take if felony charges have been brought against you. 1) Don’t say a word Once you are under arrest,…

Got in a car accident? Take these steps without delay…

It can all happen in a flash. There you are stopped at a red light when a texting addict slams into your back end. Smacking your head hard into your steering wheel, you are jarred into a state of shock – am I hurt? Should I call 911? How do I interact with the driver who just hit me? Don’t wait until this scenario is forced upon you before thinking about the answer to these questions and others. Knowing what to do when an accident happens will allow you to act correctly, increasing the odds this incident will have minimal…