Posts Tagged“health”

Age 50 or 35? How to Keep them Guessing

Looking younger than you are is part genetics, but mostly behavioral. In other words if you start off with good genes you have a head start but you can be quickly caught by people who do things to keep themselves looking young. Here is a list of those things you should do if you want to have people always guessing that you are many years younger than your actual age. Use skin products that protect it from the environment and promote anti-aging The science used in cosmetics has advanced to the point where the high quality products are very effective…

Tips for Recovering from Orthopedic Surgery

Surgery involves a medical specialist performing an invasive procedure somewhere on your body. It may be minimal or major, but in any case it creates some level of trauma to the body. Orthopedic surgery which involves specialists like orthopedic surgeon James DeVellis MD performing an operation on the skeleton and or muscles, can be particularly hard to recover from, and will often require a long rehabilitation period of several weeks or more. Here are some of the things you can do to ease your recovery and get you back in action as soon as possible. Closely Follow the Instructions from…

How Are Common STD’s Treated?

STIs are an unfortunate risk with all sexual activity, but how are they treated? Each STI is treated differently. Some, such as HIV, are life-long conditions requiring constant management, but many of the more common infections are simple to treat in as little as one tablet. Below we detail the treatment options for the three most common STIs. Chlamydia Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI. It is often symptomless, but can be severe when left untreated. With chlamydia, it is vital you get treatment as it can even lead to infertility in women. Chlamydia treatment can usually begin once…

Starting Your Own Enterprise by Caring

Nowadays, it is easier than ever to start your own company. That said, running a business does require a bit of entrepreneurial spirit, something that not everybody has. Those who don’t have the acumen to come up with their own opportunities, however, can consider a franchise instead. One of the most popular options out there today is the home care franchise. What Is a Home Care Franchise? A home care franchise means that you run a business of looking after people who require medical assistance in their own home. There are two key options available to you. The first is…

Hair Loss, Hair Growth: Everything You Need to Know

Hair loss is a problem faced by many adults. It is an issue that can affect men and women alike, especially men and women of a certain age. There are a lot of things that can cause hair loss, from the pollution we are exposed every day to the meals we have and the lifestyle we live. Hair loss used to be a problem that couldn’t be solved, but there are now solutions to help your hair grow healthier than ever. Before we get to the solution, here are the things you need to know about hair loss and hair…

Understanding How to Deal with Loved Ones with Dementia

It is a terrible diagnosis to be experienced by someone that you love. It can leave both your loved one and you in a very confused, anxious, and even angry state. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease as yet although there is treatment for respite from some of the symptoms. While it may seem like the only course of action at times, it is best not to wallow in these news. Instead, you need to look forward and take any necessary action that will help your loved one. Here are some tips: Research the Disease Now is the…

3 Key Ways to Help a Loved One with Cancer

By Alex Strauss Three out of four families will have a family member diagnosed with cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. One of the most important determinants of how well a patient with mesothelioma or another type of cancer can weather the stress of diagnosis and treatment is their level of support, both emotional and practical. While family members may wonder what, if anything, they can do for a loved one facing a devastating diagnosis like mesothelioma, the answer is – more than they think. A mesothelioma diagnosis is about more than just the physical challenges. People facing cancer…

Healthy Living: 6 Reasons Why You Should Be Cooking at Home

Cooking your own food in the comfort of your home is an affordable and healthier way of eating, compared to eating out. Today, there are so many options available to you if you choose to eat out – and most of these options can be unhealthy. When was the last time you prepared or cooked an amazingly delicious homemade meal? Most people see the 30 minutes it takes to prepare something at home as more tedious than dropping by their favorite fast food and getting what they need in a minute. Such habits are hard to cut out of your…

What is the best sleeping position?


An adequate amount of sleep is very essential for the well being of your health. For proper functioning of your brain, other body organs and emotions, a good amount of sleep is required each day. According to studies, an average person spends one third of their life in bed (which is 25 years). The calculation is done based on a person living up to 75 years and sleeping 8 hours a day. Sleeping position plays an important role in our lives. Problems like back pain, neck pain or pain along the spine are due to wrong sleeping positions that may…