Browsing CategoryFinance

Preparing your investment strategy

For many people the concept of successful investing can be baffling. The financial writers cite gurus of investment such as Warren Buffet as an example of getting it spectacularly right, but they also point to certain banks and other institutions held responsible for the great financial crash as a warning about how not to invest well. It can be a very confusing area, and for those wanting to dip a toe in the water it often seems like too much trouble. Many people default to putting their savings into a basic savings account and letting it earn interest without worrying…

Get rich quick methods

If you’re ever told about a get rich quick method – you know from the outset that it’s a straightforward untruth – so treat it as such. At the same time, there are those people who manage – so how do they do so without winning on the Lottery or the football pools? Well there are various ways you can at least have a go. One is by starting your own business. This is probably the number one route to quick success if you can get your enterprise moving quickly and trading well. It’s most commonly then a question of…