What Should You Look for in an Alcohol Rehab Center?

If you or a loved one is suffering from alcohol addiction or abuse, something needs to be done sooner rather than later. Alcoholism doesn’t just impact your physical and mental health, but it also wreaks havoc on relationships. The things you do and say when you are too high on alcohol and the havoc it wreaks on your body is too high a cost to pay. Not to mention the terrible alcohol hangover.

How to Find the Right Rehab Center

As the topic of alcoholism has become less taboo over the years, more and more rehab centers have popped up across the country. While they all tend to provide structured care and treatment for those suffering from alcohol addiction and/or abuse, some are better than others.

Depending on where you’re located, you might only have a couple of options. But if you’re in a highly populated area, you probably have a dozen or more possible rehab centers.

In search of the right treatment center, here are some things to look for:

  1. Reputation and Referrals

These days, you can learn a lot about an alcohol rehab center by checking out their reputation online. Referrals, reviews, and ratings can be found on independent review sites, social media, accrediting institutions, and message boards. Do your research and look for the ones with the best ratings 

  1. Family Involvement

Stay away from rehab centers that want zero family involvement. While it’s normal for a patient to have no contact with the outside world for certain periods of recovery, it’s imperative that the treatment facility stays in contact with family members to keep everyone on the same page.

“Studies show that those who suffer from addiction carry a similar gene that medical experts believe contributes to addictive personalities. Additionally, those who have multiple family members who have suffered from substance addiction will have an increased chances of developing an addiction themselves,” Drug Treatment Finders explains. “It is important for family members to know that they may have played a part in their loved one’s addiction, which is why the best treatment facilities will offer family therapy during the inpatient alcohol rehabilitation.”

  1. Individualization

There’s certainly a community component of treatment and recovery that’s key to those who are overcoming alcohol addiction, but a good rehab center will promote individualized recovery. This means each patient gets a treatment plan that’s tailored to his or her specific circumstances and needs.

  1. Substance Over Features

Features are great, but don’t get so caught up in a rehab center’s sexy amenities that you forget about the substance of the treatment. Ocean views, infinity pools, and five-star dining is great, but it’s all a waste of money if you don’t get the treatment you need to get clean and sober.

  1. Cost

Practically speaking, cost is a big deal. While there are plenty of affordable programs, there are also some outrageously expensive ones. For example, a 30-day stay in a luxury rehab in Beverly Hills could cost as much as $75,000. Others might cost just a few thousand dollars for the same amount of time.

Preparing for a Life of Treatment 

The actual process of going to rehab when you’re in the throes of addiction is huge. They say the first step is hardest to take, and this is certainly true in this instance. However, choosing the right alcohol rehab center doesn’t represent the final choice you have to make on your road to recovery.

As an alcoholic, you have to be prepared for a life of structure. You’ll have to make thousands of choices throughout your lifetime. A rehab center won’t make your life easy, but it will supply you with the tools and resources you need to make smart choices both now and down the road. Choose the right treatment center and your chances of remaining sober and leading a happy, productive life will skyrocket.