Posts Tagged“tips”

Tips on how to guerrilla grow

With your backyard garden lacking discretion from your nosy next-door neighbors, and not wanting to risk your utility company busting you due to the massive amounts of power that an indoor grow operation requires, you have begun to look into ways of guerilla growing cannabis, among other things. With tons of land out of the way of the average person on a day to day basis, many choose to plant and reap their crop in places that are sight unseen for anybody but you (and those that might discover your spot by way of dumb luck). With that in mind,…

3 Habits That Productive People Do Every Day

A lot of people decide to work for themselves so that they can manage their schedule. The idea is that when you’re in charge of your day, you can get away with working fewer hours than at a traditional job. Anybody who’s made it as an entrepreneur, like Ehsan Bayat, knows that couldn’t be farther from the truth. When you only have yourself to depend on, and when you absolutely love the work you’re doing, you’ll find yourself working from day to night, practically every day of the week. Plus, you simply have to get things done, and most of…

How to Live the High Life on a Budget

We all want to live the life of our dreams, but what most of us don’t realize is that footing the bill for such a lifestyle doesn’t have to be a nightmare. By working a little harder to cut corners and make your own luck, you can afford upmarket tastes at cheapskate prices. Here are some great ideas for upgrading your life without downgrading your purse-strings. AT HOME Get high class décor at low prices You don’t have to go to Ikea and get flummoxed by flat-pack assembly to buy affordable furniture. Look out for listings of local auctions or…

5 Mistakes People Make When Starting a Business

Like any station in life, there are plenty of mistakes people make when starting a business. By learning from the most common errors, neophytes in the field can avoid the biggest pain points that can threaten the existence of a promising venture before it has even gotten traction. Let’s get right into it, shall we? 1) Hiring the wrong people When starting a business, it is vital that everybody knows their role within the organization, and the work that is expected of them. While it is important to make sure that everybody gets along relatively well so that you don’t…

An Eco Friendly World: Why the “Green Movement” has become so popular

Over the past several years, the concept of “going green” has quickly become a major mantra for businesses, institutions, and just individual people in general. What exactly does going green mean though? For most people, it means doing and purchasing things that contribute to the creation of an eco friendly world which basically just boils down to things that cause no harm to the surrounding environment. If we examine it a little closer, this means items that either break down naturally (biodegradable), are recyclable, or easily reusable. The reusable grocery bag, for instance, is fantastic example. Not only are reusable grocery…