Posts Tagged“real estate”

What are the major types of home loans?

While you might be in a rush to get a mortgage to purchase the home of your dreams, it helps to consider the major types of home loans that are available. In this guide, we will review them so you can select the type that will adequately fit your needs… Variable rate One of the more common types of home loan is the variable rate mortgage. This type of loan is subject to change over the period of time that it is in effect, with the position of the interest rate being able to rise or fall, which in turn…

What does a mortgage broker do?

These days, everyone is looking for a way to cut corners in order to save their precious cash. As laudable as this focus on frugality can be at times, sometimes employing the services of an expert can be in your long term best interests. In the high-risk home loans industry, an experienced mortgage broker is a person you definitely want on your side. What exactly does a mortgage broker do? Below, we’ll outline why bringing one on board is one of the best things you can do in your quest to secure a place you can truly call home. They…

What is a non bank mortgage?

For the longest time, mortgages had been associated with the banks, and the mortgage brokers that controlled access to them. When the doors were swung open to private operators in recent years though, a new option known as a non bank mortgage became available. What are they, and what advantages do they hold over a mortgage provided by the Big 4? This article will clear the air regarding this confusing subject… They frequently offer lower interest rates than the banks Prior to mortgage reform in Australia, only the Big 4 banks lend money to aspiring home and property owners. This…