Posts Tagged“health”

5 Tips To Shine Bright In The Summer Sun

Everyone wants to look and feel good, but it’s challenging when the summer heat sets in. Here are some tips to help you stay cool and shine bright during this hot time: 1. Get solid sun exposure at the right time Research has discovered 10am-2pm to be the optimal time to safely get some sun and maximize vitamin D production. Although authorities have always said to avoid the sun at mid-day to reduce the risk of sunburn, research now shows doing so increases the risk of cancer. Here’s why: UVB rays are shorter waves and produce vitamin D. UVA rays…

Sleep Apnea: Thinking Beyond CPAP

Sleep apnea is a common condition among American adults, especially those who are also overweight. For most people, CPAP machines are the first line of defense. CPAP, which stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, provides breathing support and can help prevent airway collapse during the night, a characteristic of obstructive sleep apnea. But what if there was an alternative to CPAP that could help improve your overall health rather than just correcting breathing issues? For some patients, weight loss surgery is that solution. The Consequences Of Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is characterized by a cessation of breathing while asleep, and…

Medicare: a cornerstone program worth defending

Health care has dominated the agenda in Congress over the last few years, as Republicans and even some Democrats have sought cuts in an attempt to reduce deficit spending. Medicare is among their targets, a goal which has enraged many Americans, as they feel this program provides a public service that would be sorely missed if it were cut even partially. James P DeVellis, a Woburn, Massachusetts native who has practiced medicine for years, agrees with this sentiment, as many of his patients rely on Medicare to access treatment they would otherwise struggle to afford. With the income of many…

6 Reasons to Try Nutrisystem

Nutrisystem is one of many weight-loss programs that claims it can help you lose weight quickly. But it has an added benefit of being a little healthier than most, because it teaches you about portion control and how to select the proper foods to eat healthy. It’s hard to decide which weight-loss programs to trust when so many of them come across as more gimmicky than useful. Should you spend your hard-earned dollars on Nutrisystem? The best way to understand a diet system thoroughly is to do as much research on it first as possible. Read in-depth reviews, talk to…

Keeping your Fitness Motivation Sky High

Having a good level of fitness is a sure fire way in which to reduce our chances of contracting some ailments including diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol. For this reason, maintaining our fitness is more than just keeping our bodies trim and taut. However, to protect our health, it is essential that we exercise properly to prevent injury and get the most from our workouts.

Can You Still Run a Business With a Chronic Illness?

Managing a business is mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically demanding, but it’s even more demanding when you’re already dealing with a chronic illness or health condition. In addition to managing your everyday responsibilities as CEO, you’ll be making and attending appointments, suffering through chronic pain, and making accommodations for your physical limitations. With that in mind, is it even possible to keep your business alive while it’s happening? Strategies for Chronic Illness Management If you’ve already started a business and a chronic illness has set in, you should start by employing the following strategies to improve your chances of success:…

All You Need To Know About Nootropics

Life first appeared on earth about 3.8 billion years ago, but it wasn’t until about 200,000 years ago that the human species evolved. Human history was marked by nomadic, hunter-gatherer communities living until about 6000 years ago, when civilizations first started appearing. In this short historical time span, we’ve made tremendous progress as a species, even reaching outside earth into space! And yet, we haven’t evolved much physically and physiologically from our hunter-gatherer ancestors. This strong technological progress has put us in a position where our human brains must perform tons of tasks simultaneously which, if assessed by our ancestors’…

How to Properly Care For Your Teeth

  I had a scare a few years ago when I went in for a check up with my dentist Dr. Kami Hoss, I thought that my wisdom teeth were coming through and instead in turned out to be an abscess which was practically poking out of the side of my face. The truth was that I hadn’t been caring for my teeth well enough and I developed an infection underneath one of my molars. With some antibiotics and a lecture form the dentist, it all went away and I made sure that from that point, I would care for…

Yoga Beginner Tips To Get A Better Experience

Yoga stands out as one of the most useful of all the exercise regimens we know now. There are so many interesting health benefits that are associated with yoga, all being tied with the mind, the body and the spirit. At the same time, practice is accessible for people of all health levels and of all ages. Fortunately, the popularity of yoga is growing but it can still be difficult for a beginner to go through what is needed. This is why the following yoga beginner tips are very useful. Never Compare Yourself With Others Most people go to yoga…

Choosing Between Life Insurance and Health Insurance

Having a financial safety net for when your health takes an unexpected turn is quite comforting, especially when your family is relying on you to take care of their needs. But if you have to choose between life insurance and health insurance due to your tight budget, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each carefully. The fact of the matter is that many people need both types of protection and the best thing you can do, really, is to limit coverage to what you need so you can afford to have both types of coverage. Keep in…