Posts Tagged“finances”

Taking a 360-Degree Approach to Your Financial World

Ever heard someone talk about taking a “360-degree” approach to finances and shrugged it off as a buzzword? Maybe you don’t think about your finances often and because of the lack of stress you feel, you think you’re in good standing. Or maybe you have debt, but you choose to suppress the long-term effects it’ll have on your life. Fair enough. But it’s also worth asking yourself: What does good financial health look like? Below I’ll detail the four areas that construct our financial world. Being Debt-Free Before you can build a prosperous financial world, you need to get out…

Building a Savings Strategy for Your Roth IRA

Saving for retirement is a must for being safe, happy and healthy in your golden years. You do not want to work your fingers to bone for the rest of your life, so it makes sense to get yourself a Roth IRA right as you begin your life in the working world. You get to save money, add compound interest over the years and avoid taxes in retirement. A Roth IRA is a very specific retirement account. You fund it with after-tax dollars, so that means you can avoid paying taxes on the withdrawals after you turn 59 and a…

How Consumers Can Invest Money Wisely When They Are In Debt

Whether consumers have some money coming in from their income taxes or they have some money saved, it is only natural to want to invest and grow it. Of course, in today’s economy there are without a doubt a variety of factors that can prevent this from happening. The biggest obstacle that most people run into today is debt. Well, consumers should be happy to know that it doesn’t matter if they are in debt with a mortgage, credit cars, or a car loan, it is still entirely possible for them to invest their money wisely.   Managing Wisely, Then…

Is Day Trading a Good Way for You to Make Money?

Day trading used to be one of the hottest online money making trends on the internet, until a bunch of sleazy “gurus” started exaggerating claims and making up scams. Unfortunately, this has turned a lot of people away. And while you shouldn’t expect to make millions right away, you can make some good money day trading – so long as you know what you’re doing. Discovering Day Trading Success As you may or may not know, day trading is the practice of buying and selling stocks over a short period of time – typically just a few hours or days…

Hidden Benefits of Owning vs. Leasing a Car

When it comes time to acquire a vehicle, you can either choose to lease it or to own it. While leasing may be the less expensive option in some cases, opting to buy a car outright also provides you with several benefits. Let’s take a look at a few benefits that may not come to mind right away. The Vehicle Can Be Used to Secure a Loan An auto title loan allows you to borrow between 50 and 80 percent of the equity in your car depending on the lender that you choose to work with. If you had $10,000…

How to Put Your Savings to Work  

I have always been a saver, since I started my very first job I always worked on the notion that 70% of my wages were mine and that 30% of them were to be saved. For years I employed this method of saving and my account grew to be quite healthy. One thing I was never very good at was spending or using my savings, it got to the point where I no longer knew what I was saving for, short of a very rainy day. I then realized that I could put my savings to work and grow my…

Tips for Travelers Moving Abroad

Moving abroad can be a very daunting task at first for many travelers. There are so many things that must be done and sometimes it seems there is little or no time to get them done. Follow these few simple tips to make your move run as smoothly and stress free as possible. Plan and Prepare in Advance As with anything in life, proper planning and preparation is very necessary when it comes to moving out of your country. Moving is a major change in anyone’s life and it is best to do all possible to ensure that it is…