Posts Tagged“college”

Life after graduation: what college students should know

Collegiate life is sort of a fantasy world. It’s okay to roll out of bed at noon for class, eat copious amounts of junk food and while you likely don’t have much money, your parents tend to handle your immediate expenses. There’s a reason people often call it the college bubble. But that bubble tends to burst right around graduation (or at least when your student loan repayment period begins). After spending the first 22 years of your life depending on others financially, you are thrust into adulthood. Suddenly, you’re expected to do things you never had to. Things like…

Tax Tips for College Students

photo by For college students and their parents alike, there comes a different set of tax requirements. Without taking the proper steps and becoming educated on the right tax filings for students, many deductions and write offs may be missed. The process can become complicated, and mistakes can mean costly effects on a college kid’s bank account. For the students filing for the first time it can be a hairy process to determine exactly what to put within forms, and for parents navigating taxes during their child’s first year of college, the alterations might be more complicated than expected.…

Advantages of online education

There can be little doubt about it; the internet has revolutionized the education process in the last ten years, as more and more institutes surface with the aim of enticing home learners. While television stations are filled with infomercials for online colleges, and your social media feeds are cluttered with reasons why you should head back to college, are they really the way forward? Here are some of the advantages of online education that you should consider before making your final decision… Revolutionizing education for mature students While there are numerous reasons why young people should head out to college,…

Finally: a solution for those seeking quality dissertation writing

Academic dissertation writing is an important aspect for students pursuing higher education and aspire to complete their Ph.Ds. In dissertation writing, the skills have to be exemplary. The quality of dissertation writing will be seen as an emblem of the kind of research work students have done. So, if the dissertation has been appreciated and lauded by the concerned authorities, then one can believe that his/her quality was good. Having said that, dissertation writing is not everybody’s cup of tea. A dissertation involves a myriad of activities like, choosing the topic, creating a proposal, literature review, edit and proofread and…

The best student lettings Loughborough has to offer

Your time studying at university will be a defining period of your life. For many people it is their first time away from home, and this makes it an exciting and brilliant period which can also be incredibly rewarding and valuable. It is also a time which will be fantastic fun and somewhere that you will make friends for life. No matter where you are studying, one aspect which will determine just how enjoyable your time is will be where you call home. You will need to find accommodation that feels like home and is somewhere that you can relax,…