Euro Cup Stadiums 2016

Excited for the 2016 Euro Cup? Not only is it one of the biggest sporting events in the world it is also one of the most expensive. Have a look at our infographic on the costs of the Euro Cup stadiums 2016.

Cost of Stadiums
France has an abundance of stadiums ready for this year’s Euro Cup. Some newer than others but all very expensive. The Stade De France was built in 1998 for a whopping 280 million euros. Stade De Lyon is one of the newest stadiums in France and oen of the most expensive. Built for nearly 400 million euros the Stade De Lyon is the home of the Olympique Lyonnais club and is one of the nicest stadiums in France. The Stade De Nice is also recently constructed for around 200 million euro and will be a pleasure to see in the Euro Cup 2016.

Other Costs
Stadiums aren’t the only costs associated with the  Euro Cup 2016. France has also spent nearly 25 million euro on security, 400 million and infrastructure. Both these things are essential in having a successful Euro Cup 2016. There is also likely to be plenty of unforeseen costs as the games get closer

The total cost of France’s Euro Cup 2016 is nearly 2.5 billion euro. That is billion with a “b!” So if you want to see what exactly adds up to 2.5 billion euro or what you could buy for that much money check out the Euro Cup Stadiums 2016 infographic below and be awed by the amount spent on these games. Let’s hope the competition is worth it this year and it is a fun and competitive football tourney!
euro cup stadiums
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