Browsing CategoryMoney

30 of The World’s Youngest Billionaires Infographic!

Everyone has financial milestones in their lives that they work towards. Maybe out of college it’s just to be able to pay your expenses without any help from mom and dad, maybe it’s reaching a six figure salary. Or, maybe it’s to be a billionaire! Well, here are 30 people that have reached that milestone, and they’re young! Check out this cool infographic: To view the original article, click here.

Five Things to Know about Lines of Credit

It’s easy to be wary of a thing like debt. The word comes with a lot of negative connotations, so many in fact that most Americans actively try to avoid taking it on. Unfortunately, for the vast majority of people living in the US, it’s just not possible to dodge living with debt. Between student loans and mortgages, there’s not a whole lot in life that you can buy on your own unassisted. Even small items or services, amounting to less than $1,000, may require the large number of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck to contact a lender.  …

Protect Your Assets with Business Entity Formation  

While you may have started out your business as a small operation in your home with just yourself as an employee, you have seen the business start to develop and grow beyond those initial stages. Your business now has greater viability and potential and you may be ready to move on to where you need a larger facility, more equipment and employees to assist you. Before you start taking bigger steps to do all of these things, you want to want to make sure that your business has been set up correctly so that you have the proper protections. You…

Candlesticks in Binary Option Trading

Photo by CC user Ahardy66 via Wikipedia English Binary option trading relies on the traders’ ability to analyze asset behavior based on market characteristics. One of the ways that traders do this is by looking at asset trends over a period of time; while past behavior isn’t an absolute method for predicting if an asset will expire in or out of the money, it does help calculate the risk vs. reward ratio that many traders rely on for their strategy. If you’ve ever done a technical analysis of an asset, you’ve probably seen a candlestick chart. These are helpful graphs…

So You Want to Become a Young Millionaire? Here’s How!

Age doesn’t matter when it comes to becoming a millionaire. Mark Zuckerberg, Adam Horowitz, and even Justin Bieber are all evidences that youth is not a hindrance to success. Unlike before, young people have more access to endless possibilities with great earning potential. Getting attention for a business or for your act is no longer a problem thanks to the power of social media. The power is now right in our fingertips. This is the reason why you should amp up your goals and go for the gold: to become a young millionaire. And it’s not an impossibility. With smart…

What Everyone With PPI Ought To Know About The Time Limit For Claiming

Health, wealth and happiness. It may be a bit of a cliché, but it’s what we all ultimately desire. At the root of every dream in life is the desire for more of at least one of those three. And while none of the three is any more important than the other two, having enough money certainly goes a long way to making health and happiness more likely in your life. Wealth creation is an ongoing process and most of it usually comes from revenue generated, either from products or services sold or from returns on investments. But there is…

Small-Business Owner? Ease Your Tax Burden With These 6 Tips

Even if it doesn’t feel like it, the end of the year is right around the corner. For the small-business owner, that means it’s time to start thinking — and acting — seriously about deductions. No matter what kind of industry you’re in, it behooves you to reduce your tax burden and benefit your business and yourself as much as possible before the ball drops at midnight on December 31. Don’t just randomly buy a lifetime supply of paper goods for your office. Here are six tips that will help you ease your tax burden for 2015.   1. Donate…

Planning for the Future 101: The Foundations You Need for a Secure Retirement

Most of us probably haven’t given a second thought to retirement, as it’s usually too far into the future to consider. That said, retirement is an enjoyable time, because you have the opportunity to take up new activities and spend time on your hobbies and interests without work being in the way. However, it’s not as straightforward as we’d like it to be – as a recent article by The Guardian points out, as many as half of Americans aged 55 and over have no retirement savings at all. With people living longer, it’s never been more important to make…

6 Benefits of Living on a Low Income

You may look at the title of this article and think… Really? How is not having money a good thing or beneficial? The idea that having a lot of money will solve all of your problems is faulty, at best. If you do not believe us, check out celebrity bankruptcies or spoilt kids who lose their families fortune in one generation. Having a lot of money and not knowing how to manage it is much worse than having a tight budget and having complete control your personal finances. Below are some benefits outlined by a personal finance site for low…

How to Curb Your Spending over the Weekend!

Each week, the majority of people are at work during the best part of the day, so spending money on non-essentials is harder to do. The weekends, however, can prove to be a black hole for all your extra cash as you suddenly have a lot more time to be spending your money. It’s this weekend fund that could be a gold mine for your savings. Below are some useful ideas on how to curb your own weekend spending and put this money to better use. Have a Budget Having a weekly budget is vital if you want to use…