Browsing CategoryDomestic/Household

How to Organise an Effortless House Move

Let’s face it, moving to a new home is no walk in the park. Moving day will arrive before you know it and you will feel that there’s no way you can sort all your belongings and pack everything into a moving truck within the given time. We know how stressful it can be to move from one home to another. To make the moving experience less stressful, we have a few tips to share that will help you in organising an effortless house move. Using Address Labels The last thing you want is to have all your belongings packed…

Is It Time to Add a Roommate?

Are your financial bills starting to get to you? If the answer is yes, the thought of adding a roommate or two might cross your mind. In the event it does, will you make sure you get the right individual/s from day one? As too many homeowners and renters can tell you, there are good roommates and of course there are bad ones. What one has to try and steer clear of is getting those roommates who end up being more problems than they are worth. So, are you ready to roll the dice and see what is out there?…

Density and Firmness – Key Ingredients for a Good Night’s Sleep – Nectar Bed Reviews

If you have ever come across a memory foam mattress, or read any of the Nectar bed reviews, you will have noticed two terms that people seem to use again and again, being “density” and “firmness”. Density is often used to determine whether a mattress is of high quality – the denser, the better. However, more density usually also means more money, although you do get increased durability in return. Density is measured in pcf (Pounds per Cubic Foot), although most people will simply say “pounds”. Mattresses are available of between 2.5pcf and 9pcf, although it is said that there…

Winter Wisdom – 10 Tips to Keep Your Home Comfortable in the Cooler Months

Image via Winter is a time of seasonal reflection and cultivated cosiness – warm foods, luxurious fabrics and time spent indoors. In order to enjoy the season to its fullest, here are ten things you can do to ensure your home is at its most comfortable in the cool. Window Dressing Awnings are a stylish and functional way to keep your home warm and watertight in winter. One of the benefits of installing awnings is that they not only provide shade from the rain and elements, but they also help regulate the temperature inside your home in summer too…