Posts Tagged“china”

5 Crazy Superstitions From Around the World   

Credit: Wikimedia Whether you have travelled the world or remain content life in your homeland, you are sure to have knowledge of the strange and unusual superstitions that have survived from history. After all, a number of these originated in the UK or Central Europe, with others having roots in Ancient Rome or Eastern Culture. 5 Crazy Superstitions from across the globe With this in mind, here is our pick of the five most unusual superstitions from across the globe: – The Number 17 is considered as unlucky in Italy According to roulette in numbers the number 17 is considered…

Documentary aims to end stigma of Chinese females that choose careers over getting married early

  With the exception of a few issues that remain stubbornly unresolved, the cause of women’s rights has made great gains over the past century throughout much of the western world. The fight for equal treatment is just beginning in many respects in developing countries like China though, as they often pressure women to get married not long after they have completed their schooling. While females are entering post secondary institutions in record numbers, they are still expected to get married before they are 25, unless they want to wear the burden of having the status of Sheng Nu attached…

Nearly 30? Here’s how to combat a quarter life crisis

Pushing 25? Maybe you’re a mere few years from the big 3-0. Here at Get a First Life we say don’t sweat it. Instead, your focus should be on combating the chance of the dreaded ‘quarter-life crisis’ by ensuring you tick a few things – namely places – off your bucket list. Always wanted to go to Vegas? Do it. Maybe you’ve vowed to head to New York for a weekend’s sightseeing and shopping, spending all the money you’ve earned this summer in your temp job? Why ever not? While ever you have the time (and more importantly, the disposable…

Tianjin, Beijing: Traveling Back in Time

Tianjin is located in the southeast portion of Beijing, a bustling port city filled with exciting things to see and do. It was a famous trading center centuries ago, and still holds some of that reputation until now.  There are many things to do in this port city, and as you may already expect, yes, they are almost always related to water or at least near the water areas. The Hai River This famous river cuts through the city center, and is one of the most important water systems that helped to build the Tianjin into a bustling metropolitan then…

China: The Country of Ancient and Modern Beauty

The first thing that strikes visitors to China is the extraordinary density of its population. In the Han Chinese heartlands of central and eastern China, towns and cities seem to sprawl endlessly into one another in a world of chopsticks, tea, slippers, grey skies, shadow-boxing, teeming crowds, chaotic train stations, smoky temples, red flags and the smells of soot and frying tofu. Move west or north, however, and the landscape begins to dominate: green paddy fields and misty hilltops in the south-west, the scorched, epic vistas of the old Silk Road in the north-west; home to scores of distinct ethnic…